Rule #13: Beware the Full Moonies

I believe that something happens to my muffin-heads during the full moon.  I really do believe it.  That said, most research appears to show that there is no correlation between the phases of the moon and behavior. This is important to admit.  I prefer to not make sweeping statements without some factual evidence.  But I will if I must.    And here I go:

My turkey-butts act cah-ray-zee around the time of the full moon.

There. That's it.  The sweeping statement.  It is an opinion unsupported by fact.  It is an opinion developed over 15 years of teaching.  Multiple times a year I have this conversation with myself*
"what is wrong with theses guys lately?"
"I don't know.  Is something going on?
"It could be this, or this, or this.  Is anyone else noticing?"
"Why yes, they are!  Other staff have noticed too!
"Wait!  I know!  Is there a full moon coming up or something?
"Oh my goodness!  Yes!  You're a genius!"
"Why thank you!
"You're certainly welcome.  I always enjoy talking with you."*

This really does happen, although I may have jazzed it up a bit for your entertainment.  I notice a change in the behavior of my muffin-heads.  I check the calendar, and ta-da!  It's within a week of the Full Moon--usually within a day or so.  I have no proof, only anecdotal evidence.  Not even anecdotal since I am just telling my own self and I don't think that counts.  But seriously folks, my kids are different and I NOTICE.  I even made a rule about it.

#13 Beware the Full Moonies

This means that when people seem all whacked out, check and see if the Full Moon is nearby.  It won't change anything, but you'll feel better about being so irritated with them

It's hard to have a rule like this.  When I try to find proof that lunar phases cause lunacy (see that?  lunacy?), it just isn't out there.  Not in any truly trust-worthy way.  I'm standing by it though.  Semi-anecdotal evidence and all.

*Note--Yes, with myself.  Teachers spend a lot of time as their only adult company during the day.  It becomes necessary to chat oneself up now and again.

*Note--And I'm polite to myself.  Why not, right?